Heads and Hands

Here are the better works from my Heads and Hands class at the Academy, Fall 2011. The top three were homeworks, 18"x24" the lower threee were in class drawings and paintings from a model, 11"x14" - 12"x16".

(rigtht-click view images for high res)

Demo Reel Update

Here's a new demo reel update that features some of the creatures and characters that I've been working on:

Additional stills of Turog:
(right click-view image for high res)

Futuristic mech armor

A fairly quick cyber/mech marine armour design that I did. Was a paintover of a rough zbrush sketch, done mostly in Painter, with some Photoshop here and there.

(Right click-view image for high res)

You can see the rough zsketch -here-

A Tree By The Old Town

Here's another painting that I've more or less finished, I think. Took several months, on and off.
Click on image to enlarge, or check out the high res link at the bottom. Hope you like!

High res: -here-

Automated Explorer

My latest concept. The original image is pretty big, so check out the high res (right click-view image). Done in Painter and Photoshop.


Started as a paintover of one of my earlier works, but then ended up as its own painting. Done using Painter and Photoshop.

A ninja, a knight and a mech.

Some new concept art:

(click images to enlarge)
"Messenger Bot"

"Dark Knight"

"Cyberpunk Ninja"

Composition and Painting

These paintings were part of the second assignment for a class that I took in Spring of 2011.

(click to enlarge)

Quick studies:


(click to enlarge)

Quick studies:

Digital Concept Art and Painting

Most recent at the top and then from left to right. From 2007 till about 2010.

(click on thumbnails for full view)

Clothed Figure Painting

These are the better paintings that I did for a class in Autumn of 2010. The top three were the major homeworks (the last two not entirely finished) done in oil on canvas, 16x20". The ones in the second row were done during the class sessions and are 12x16" board for the "Potter" and 18x24" one for the "Sleeping Woman."

(click images to enlarge)

A variation of the "Sleeping Woman" painting with digital color/tone adjustments can be seen here.

Intermediate Figure Drawing

These drawings were done for my Intermediate Figure Drawing class in Fall 2010. The hooded portrait and the hands were homeworks; the rest are in class drawings done from models.

(click images to enlarge)