(Click on pictures to enlarge)

*Punk character is a take on a real person from photo sessions at www.3d.sk
*Soulblighter's original concept was taken from Bungie's "Myth2: Soulblighter" game, and then somewhat modified. A promotional painting by Craig Mullins can be found here.
*Drahl Infantry and "Wiggles" were done from my own concepts.
Demo Reel on Veoh:
- Smaller version. Double Click on the video to see it bigger on Veoh, or:
- Download large version (HD 720) from the downloads pane on the left.
Punk Shaded Views:
(click on pictures to enlarge)

(click on pictures to enlarge)


Drahl infantry and "wiggles"

- Original low res base at 3,187 faces, 6,269 triangles without hair and jewelry, which don't have low res versions.
- Base mesh in the scene with refined torso and all accessories at 50K+.
- Meshes could still be optimised further for game engines.
- Current base mesh at 3,816 faces
- The whole base level scene is at 14,023 faces, without grass - 336,187 with. Grass was paint fx in maya converted to polygons for speed.
- Character model could be optimised further for game engines.
Drahl Infantry and "Wiggles":
- Drahl Girl is at 85,980 polygons, base mesh
- "Wiggles" is at 167,085 polygons, base mesh without long wires
- The whole scene is at 289,546 of 0 level. It recieves level 2 smooth subdivision for rendering, as well as a displacement for the ground.
Software Used:
- Autodesk Maya
- Adobe Photoshop
- Pixologic Zbrush
- Adobe AfterEffects